How Do I Give My Cat A Bath?


Water is feared by most house cats. And it’s a big help that much of their cleaning is performed on their own. For the greater portion, with the use their rough tongues, these animals do an excellent job wiping themselves clean. Some cats are known to spend a sizable amount of time (40-50% of their day) grooming. However sadly, people experience a moment where a bath is required for their cats. Which might become really a difficult task, and owners could also end up carrying the bruises if they ‘re not extremely cautious. While it is not usually important to bathe your cat, there can also be occasions where they require certain serious washing.

When do I need to wash my cat?

Bathing would never be needed for most cats, but cases occur where some do. A number of them will be listed below.

How frequent activity is the cat getting?

It is possible that higher exercise levels would imply more stain. Meaning too much for the cat to clean up on its own.

Indigestible substance

When she gets into anything she shouldn’t eat, such as engine oil, drain cleaner, fuel, or paint. Essentially, it is important to instantly wash away everything that appears on her fur that may be dangerous to her health.

Aged or sick cat can also need some bathing

People suggest any one those waterless shampoos when a cold bath is far too painful for such delicate cats. When the cat has diarrhea and perhaps other digestive issues, you will need to wash her back at first before she feels better.

Indoor and outdoor environment

Outdoor kitties will need a bath more frequently than their indoor counterpart.

Size and style of coat

Lengthy coats need much more cleaning unlike cats with small coats.

Self-grooming activity

To prevent their fur from being stinky or dirty, cats that cannot or will not clean themselves effectively require frequent bathing. Extremely fat cats may have trouble touching all body parts, so they may have to be cleaned more frequently.

Equipment for bathing your cat

Have all you require within that spot, so that anything is in arm’s access once you’ve begun washing the pet. You’re going to really need:

Cat or kitten expert soap. Choose a gentle all-rounder without any additives or scents that are intense. Do not use human wash, as the disparity in varying ph makes it unfit for cat fur and body.

Do not use human wash, as the disparity in varying ph makes it unfit for cat fur and body.

A brush to assist with matts and knots removal

One or two towels

If needed, a cat conditioner. Once more, don’t make use human hair conditioners.

Procedure for bathing a cat

Step 1

Cut the paws of the cat. If immersed in water, the cat can get restless or frightened, so to minimize the harm this pet can cause cut the claws before giving the cat a bath. Attempt to do this a couple of hours prior to the actual bath, or perhaps a couple of days prior the bath, so the cat gets enough time to settle down.

Getting the cat rewards would always leave them feeling happier and relaxed as a bonus for having their claws clipped

Step 2

Brushing the cat should effectively tackle all tangles and knots in the fur that, when the cat is soaked, would be far harder and more frustrating to tackle. People could use the brush for making the cat comfort inside the tub if the cat enjoys to be brushed.

Step 3

Through the vet or nearby pet shop, you could get cat shampoo. And see if it is appropriate for the cat, review the directions and, if appropriate, dissolve it with water. Not only would the use of normal human soap dry the skin of the cat, but it can also be poisonous to the cat.

Step 4

The trick you need to do is wear the kitty out, right when they reach the bath, they’re at their most gentle. It will lessen the chance that they will scratch, bite, or attempt to get free. Choose a period when the cat is at its gentlest, sometimes after being fed.

Step 5

Pick Your washing device in a bucket or tub or a flat – bottomed bowl, bathe the cats. If the cat is unwilling to cooperate, a huge bathtub can be daunting, not just for the cat, as well as for yourself. These can be transformed into a temporary cat tub if the kitchen or bathroom sink is big enough. To a small basin/bucket that can be filled with lukewarm water, the very same applies.

Step 6

To support you, hire someone. The kitty can be kindly held in one position by one of you the person provides the water.


Wear clothes that’s protective. It will keep you safe from any potential wounds slight or severe. It is necessary to wear a jumpsuit, jacket, or lengthy shirt such that the cat has no exposed flesh to bite. You might wear a glove and long sleeves, but they are voluminous and could get along your way. If you massage their head and stomach, be patient and soft, because those are delicate places. Wearing an outfit that is not special and also that you don’t worry about getting soaked is also a wise decision.

Step 8

Here is where you begin the washing. Get the cat wet from the chest downwards. To clean the cat’s chest, tail, legs, belly and body use a little amount of shampoo and water. Begin at the chest and move with the path of the development of its fur, towards its tail. Behave like you’re petting and cleaning the cat and there is nothing unique about this ride to the tub. During watching avoid shampoo entering the eye, nose or hears to avoid infection.

Step 9

Completely remove all sign of shampoo on the cat. Once the water is perfectly clear and gives no indication of soap or shampoo then the cat is clean. It is time to dry the cat with a towel or a dryer.


Baths are very hated by most cats and they may consider the process rather unpleasant. When you can, just wash an exposed area instead of getting wet all over the skin.