How to Brush a dog’s Teeth – Easy Steps to Follow


When there is any puppy hygiene area which is frequently ignored, it really is the dental of this animal. Many puppy owners tend to clean the fur so it glows and to trim the claws so that the puppy does not bang on the concrete, but puppy teeth cleaning is not taken care of by all. Cleaning is essential so the residue that results in bad teeth or more severe issues like rotten teeth or tooth loss is washed away.

About 2/3 of puppies above the age of 3 are known to have tooth decay, infection or inflammation of the tissues around the teeth. Tooth decay begins as plaque-induced gum disease and also develops to include the sockets of the bony tooth. Parodontal disease, left unchecked, may contribute to severe dental decay.

What looks like a good puppy’s mouth?

The teeth of a healthy puppy would be healthy and clear of thick, sticky dark spots, alternatively referred to as plaque and tartar. With puppies, those are the most popular forms of dental issues.

By softly gripping their muzzle and pushing their mouth up, you can check the puppy’s teeth. Usually, puppys with proper oral health possess:

White teeth, free from browning of any sort

No missing teeth

Black, purple, or even spotted, and not white or red, stable gums should therefore be with no signs of swelling or bruising.

No unnecessary foam at the mouth

Signs of Dental Disease in Puppys

When you are worried that the puppy might be experiencing some kind of dental issues, be on the watch for these teeth symptoms:

Gums which are swollen and red

Stinky breath: No puppy’s mouth is lovely or enticing, but there could also not be a horrible smell coming from the teeth of the puppy. You have seen what they eat. It may be poor hygiene if there is.

Teeth looks brown

Avoiding tough food or losing food while attempting to eat

Bruising under one eye, which may imply abscess of the tooth root

Procedure for washing a puppy tooth

  • Step one

Purchase a toothbrush for puppies. At pet shops or electronic pet supplies shops, puppy toothbrushes are easily obtainable. It does have thicker, angled handle that enables the bottom teeth to be reached easily. Using only toothpaste meant exclusively for puppies. Although it fits well enough for humans, there can be components in human toothpaste which are poisonous to puppies.

  • Step two

Keep the puppy comfortably in your lap and the head turned aside from you if the puppy is small enough. You may sit on a chair if the puppy is bigger and make the puppy sit next to you so you can control his mouth and teeth easily.

  • Step three

When you try to brush the puppy’s teeth during the first time, make the puppy relaxed with you brushing the gums and teeth. Puppy owners should contact the muzzle of their puppy softly to do this and try creating a rubbing movement together with the teeth. Have the puppy feel the new toothbrush, so that they can become accustomed to it. Move gently, and don’t make the puppy hurry. Going to rush the puppy will generate sensations of routine fear. Contact the teeth with the toothbrush. Contact the edge and the middle and bottom of the front hand, and back teeth. Appreciate the puppy and reward him for accepting this move.

  • Step four

Apply a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush and bring it close to the nose of the puppy, letting it to sniff it and lick it. Most pet toothpastes are designed to smell like peanut butter or certain treat that the puppy may be drawn to.

  • Step five

When pup is used to you opening and touching their mouth, start using the toothpaste and toothbrush together. Angle the brushes when you touch the teeth again with brush so that they meet the line of the gum. Keep on to the top lip. Get the front teeth cleaned. Give praise to the puppy. Step farther away from the frontal teeth to both the top of the side and back teeth. Continue by brushing the lower teeth. Keep the lower lip down and clean the lower teeth with it.

Keep brushing across the mouth while your puppy grows familiar with the toothbrush, making your way down to the back teeth and the lower row of the pet’s teeth. With soft yet strong touch, use circular movements and attempt to figure the brush’s bristles into the interior of the teeth and gum area of the puppy.

It is really good to encourage them with a hug, rub, or even better, a treat, when the puppy does very well with the brushing exercise! Puppy therapies designed to help improve dental hygiene will help minimize the accumulation of tartar more, and they will not ruin all the work you put into maintaining the mouth of the puppy safe and clean.


Can human toothpaste be used for puppies?

People may ask themselves, “Would I need specific puppy toothpaste to clean my puppy’s teeth?” if they’re just starting dental treatment with the new pup “The simple response is yes, it is necessary not to use any human toothpaste when people brush the puppy’s teeth. There are several additives in human toothpaste which can be toxic to the puppy.

If anything, make use pet-safe toothpaste with a flavoring the puppy should enjoy. Feed the puppy a tiny portion of the toothpaste to start introducing it to the flavor gradually. Owner can also try to find what the puppy wants best in a few various flavors. beef, vanilla, peanut butter, mint and Chicken are popular choices for puppy

What can I use to get my puppy’s teeth brushed?

Make use of a gentle bristles with a wetted puppy toothbrush. Owners may just use a child’s toothbrush, a thumb toothbrush, gauze about a finger or a cotton ball if They do not own a specifically adapted puppy toothbrush.

Oh, no. The Baking soda has a strong alkaline level and therefore can disrupt the regulation of stomach acid and digestive system if ingested. Furthermore, baking soda doesn’t really taste great if you attempt to brush the teeth that also will cause the puppy to be unwilling to cooperate.

How long would I spend having my puppy’s teeth brushed?

Simply brush on either side for about 30 seconds


Regular teeth brushing is probably the most important aspect of the dental treatment plan of the four-legged pet, but there are also other measures pet owners could do to ensure the white teeth of their puppys remain in good condition.

In the puppy’s mouth, chewing toys aid chip away sticky residue and discarded particles of food. Teeth chews are designed primarily to dissolve plaque and avoid the develop of excess decay, but also help maintain the scent of the puppy healthy. Look for dental sticks, dental chews, and chew toys with ridges. Check for tooth sticks, dental chewing, and ridge chewing toys.