6 Tips for a foolproof pet photography


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We all love to capture moments of joy, laughter, peace, and in fact, any moment that puts us at ease is worth capturing. It could be of places, animals, our pets, or even of ourselves.

Which better way can this be done if not through photography?

You will agree with me that we all love having cute pictures of our pets to showcase to our neighbors or friends and possibly post on social media. But getting a good photographer for your pets, choosing the best location, and getting the pictures right is not something everyone is familiar with. It is easier said than done.

If you are not an expert in photography, you may find it difficult to have those cute photos of your pet you desire.

We have some tips to boost your photography skills while taking pictures of your pet, but we will first be looking at how to get your pet’s attention to take good pictures.

How to get your Pet’s attention

Odd sounds

One of the ways of getting your Pet’s attention, let’s say a dog, is by making odd sounds he/she is not familiar with. It could be clicking your tongue together, chattering of teeth, or hitting a chair. Whichever way it is, try not to make the sound too loud to frighten your pet or make it too often that it becomes accustomed to the sound.

Use toys

Some dogs are lovers of toys, while others are not. If your pet falls in the category of lovers of toys, then you will find it easier to get their attention. Find your pet’s favorite toy, and make him/her aware of it. Is it a ball? Or a piano toy? Try to bring it closer to your pet, with your phone or camera in hand. Once your pet is aware of the toy and gets his/her attention, take the picture.

Let’s quickly dive into six ways for foolproof pet photography.

Simple commands

A lot of dogs vary in behavior, and this is a result of the way they are trained. While some pet owners are concerned only with caring for their pets, others involve their pets in training. Now, if your pet is conversant with simple commands, like go, come, stay, move, etc., then it will be a lot easier to take a cute picture of him/her. Dogs or pets in general, appear more attractive when their head is aligned to one side. You can achieve this by asking a high-pitched question, using a toy, or, like I mentioned issuing out simple commands that put the pet in a perfect position for a photograph.


One other factor to consider is the location of your photoshoot. I am sure you wouldn’t want dark or blurry pictures of your dog. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense to upload pictures that do not portray your dog’s beauty nor bring out the richness of its fur.

Lighting is an integral part of photography, without which your photos may not appear fine. If you could make use of a studio with enough lightning, that will be fine.

Otherwise, taking your photos outdoor is an excellent way of having that fine picture you desire.

You could use your backyard or front view or any familiar place that puts your dog at ease. Taking outdoor photos of your pet on a sunny day is best as it uses a natural light effect. A camera flash in a dark or cloudy environment may startle your dog, and the photographs won’t appear well, as it gives the dog a red-eye effect.

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Stay on the same level

For you to take a good picture of your pet, you have to take up a nice angle. Staying too far from your cat or dog makes a tiny outline of your pet, and the photograph will not be clear. Remember, you want a clear, cute picture of your pet.

Try to come closer to your pet, and be in the same position as well. Lie down next to your dog. If possible, caress them before taking the picture. This helps to keep them relaxed and at ease. When you are next to them, you tend to get a clearer view of them, and as we all know, the clearer, the better.

Perfect timing

As a dog owner, you must study your pet, know what it needs and when it needs it. Let’s say your pet is hungry; if you are close enough to him/her, you will be aware even without long talks due to its behavior.

Now, knowing when to take your pet out for a photoshoot can help to get a better picture of him/her. If your pet just woke up from sleep, don’t take him/her for a photoshoot because, of course, the eyes will be sleepy, and you wouldn’t want that. So, try as much as possible to get your pet with she’s in a good mood, so your photos will come out well. Read about vegan dog food here

Take pictures unawares

Getting your dog to be in a particular position or posture is often hard to achieve. Pets tend to shift their attention when there is noise or the presence of another pet.

So, try to capture those happy and unaware moments of your dog. It could be when it’s running towards you, trying to catch a ball, or yawns. When you snap sporadically, you capture great moments that didn’t have any need for posing before they expire, and I assure you, they are usually the best. Read about blueberries and hamsters here.

Go closer

While taking a picture of your dog, it is necessary to focus on his/her best features. It could be your dog had a hairy body, or a large ear, or green eyes, whichever it is, try to make those features appear well in your photos. You could achieve that by going closer and possibly leaning on one side to get a better angle.


As a pet owner, nothing stops you from taking cute pictures of your pet or capturing beautiful moments together. All that is needed is a little brushing of your photography skills and tips to help you get it right. With these tips, you are already on your way to becoming a better photographer for your pet.